Friday, December 31, 2010

Drought is coming

John Titor did warn us. He talked about water shortages in coming year. Well, I believe a max major drought is coming. People need to prepare.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Silver rises

Silver has done great this year. It did double from 15 an ounce to over 30 now. People worry as silver rises. Gold is also moving up. It is now over 1400 an ounce. Those of you that bought precious metals will indeed be popping champagne corks and doing a bit of celebrating in the new year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Biggest Cruise Ship

Tremendously massive and then some more.Here is Royal Caribbean oasis of the seas the biggest cruise ship ever. It is massive in size. There is room for over 6,000 passengers. There are over 1,000 crew on oasis. Did we tell you it is max expensive. Cost is 1.4 billion and that is very pricey. Still, it would be great for a cruise.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

open source gov

Putin want to put russian gov on linux by 2015 or sooner. This is very interesting to me. Perhaps, he wants to save some money. Actually, windows is easier to use.

Monday, December 27, 2010

FED up

People, we are just so FED up. Treasury yields are rising. OK so much for quantitative easing helping our economy. What we have is inflation taking off in commodities, but not in wages. Take a look at three dollar gas. Basically, we will feel the soaring cost of energy.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Trouble ahead for japan

Folks, there is trouble ahead for the japanese economy. This is so max scary. Sadly, problems are many. Also, the solutions are few if any. Problem number one is a population that is rapidly aging. Few new people are being born now. Interestingly, japan is a good case study for zero population growth and what happen when you have manjavascript:void(0)y old and few young.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Future charging station

A future charging station is being tested now. This is a big step forward for ev users. Sadly, few are available this year. However, change is near. People are kicking the oil habit and saving money.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

car runs on air

Folks, here it is. Basically, a new future of transportation is here for us. It seems like a dream to me. Talk about no emissions. This vehicle has a lot of range. What it is - a car runs on air.

2 fathers for this mouse

What we have here is strange science. Yeah, as in two fathers for one mouse. This is strange stuff to be sure. Perhaps, some one did make my cheese more. Where is it now we ask you. It rolled off my cracker to be sure.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


IE9 has a do not track tool now. This is a good thing for us. Merchants like to keep track of consumers. However, that is not a nice view. They can then flood us with spam. Glad that IE9 has this feature that is new.

Gold going up

Back in 2000 gold was approx $250 an ounce. It was my prediction that it would go over $1000 that decade and the debunkers laughed at me. The said that gold was going down not up. When gold did hit a thousand they said it was a bubble and told people - get out now.

In fact, gold dropped to below 800 and the debunkers said - see I told you so. However, I stood by my prediction and gold is now near 1400 an ounce. Debunkers will claim when it hits 2000 that I did not predict anything and do a debunker flipflop claiming that gold always goes up.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is gasohol green?

At one time people were pushing ethanol made from corn. However, is gasohol green? Well, I do not think so. For one. it takes a lot of energy to make it, and to trans port it across. Also, it produces much pollution and cause food prices to increase. There is no win win.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

strange software

This sounds science fiction scary. Minority report style software is real now. Hey, guess we are the hardware in the new movie. Is it REEL or REAL as it is hard to tell anymore.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I love e-ink technology that is so new. Maybe you have seen it in the Kindle e-readers that are new from amazing amazon. Well, it uses less electricity for one. Also, it is easy on eyes. LCD viewers can be a bit of a strain and a max pain. Yeah, and here is my number one reason. People can use e-ink out in FULL sun.

Friday, December 17, 2010

crime and grime

I wonder if you could see the future what would make you wonder about the days to come. For me it looks clean and green. Sadly, our own time has too much crime and grime.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Building Bunkers

People are building bunkers now. Hey, we cannot blame em. Things look very grim. Hope we pull out of this tail spin. Still, not so sure.

icy mess

Out there is an icy mess. Well, some say - let it snow. That said, I say - no. It will get worse. Get ready for jan.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Digital era

Digital melting post says mercury news. For me this is a digital era. Perhaps we can say good bye to analog for now. It is going away.

It is a new age for us. Basically one made out of ones and zeroes. The future is now here for all of us. Let us make it a good one...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Where are the aliens ask the men of science. Also, why have we found none. OK so far there are no answers. There are some who see a conspiracy. Other claim there are no aliens out there anywhere, but I feel that alien contact is not that far away. People need to watch what they wish for as they say.

Google Chrome

Here is Chrome - a Google eye view. This folks, is a new os. Hey, that means operating system for you. Google is powering up. Time to get rid of your crappy pc. Yeah, and get with the Google Chrome program. We are getting a fun new adventure on this voyage.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hybrids are coming

OK so one abductee says hybrids are using empty houses to live in. This is a subject of major concern. Perhaps they are living in foreclosures that are left abandoned all over. Of those, there are many. It could be we are just seeing the surface now.

new newspapers

I said it years ago. That to the net were moving newspapers. Facts is the are becoming digital in manner. People, we are gonna get new newspapers. Yeah, newspapers that use no paper.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Evidence for Time Travel

Top Strange claim this is the first record of a time traveller. This is an interesting photograph from the 1940's with a sun glasses wearing guy. Well, what can we say? Hey, why am I no so amaze. That said, here is some time travel evidence for you.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

8% use Twitter

8% of americans are using Twitter now. Hey, that is a very high figure for this service. That said, I like to use Twitter for my own uses. It gets the word out fast with events and local news. People are starting to get use to Twitter more and more. OK some are using Twitter to find jobs in our poor economy.

Alien Hybrids

What are alien hybrids and how does that affect us? Hey, it is a concept that is new to many. There are many. It is a strange new science. People have not scratched the surface of what we are.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

HDR Time Antenna

Steven Gibbs told me he was working on an HDR Time Antenna. This is going to be interesting for us. Hope that I can get one soon. Perhaps early next year.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Google buys wide vine

Google buys video security company wide vine. OK as to why there would need this company we are no so sure. Perhaps video is becoming important even more. That said, Google already own you tube and does not need this technology anymore. Interesting events are happening now. Friends, we must wake up. World is changing for some reason. Keep your pressure up.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

emerging sciences

There is much going on. People need to focus on emerging science. Fact is, this will help us. Yeah, with many problems we have now. OK so, case in point, our dependence on foreign energy sources. I feel that we can start using zpe. Also, know as zero point energy. That is the way forward for us. Maybe we shall embrace new emerging sciences.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Back to the future game

I love time travel movies. Well, here is Back to the future - the game. Have not played it yet, but looks to have some promise. Hope that it is a real joy. OK so your favorites are in it like Marty, Biff, and doc, of course.

Friday, December 3, 2010

South Korea vows war

South Korea will respond with aggression. That is if North Korea does strike again. OK so that means war. Hey, the days of being passive are over. As to how china will respond to this new challenge in their region. Well, we are not so sure.

Friends, this could get so very messy. Yeah like we do not need or want another conflict in this area. Problems are going to come up. It would be great if cooler heads were to prevail, but that is not so. Sadly we must say, our forecast is war.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cutting Costs

Republicans think on cutting costs is important to the max. For example, they are trying to cut certain programs. Hey, case in point, house republicans want to scrap the global warming committee as unnecessary. To tell you the truth, it is so cold outside that we could use some warming.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


What does ovine mean?  OK so, it is sheep, but bovine means cows. Both are believing all they are told now. In the future, that will not be the case.