Sunday, April 21, 2013

fast food

Slow lane for fast food now. Like sales are down this year. OK so we wonder why this is. Perhaps we can find a new way. Yeah, it is a sad slow summer we see. Expect some more woe.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

blue ray blues

Blockbuster did suffer from the blue ray blues I tell you. They spent on blue ray max money. People did not rent the new disk and the rest is history as we say. Right now we have 4K cine. That is the latest from sony. Yeah, blue ray did not catch on.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Stop being a pawn ♟

What can we say. Stop being a pawn. ♟

Oh yes, the world situation is getting max worse. It is not just our economy any more. Perhaps we will have another war. Not like we need one.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

end of an empire

Hyperinflation is not our major issue. That would be a major war. Check on what is going on. Korea peninsula looks like a massive war. Look at the setting sun. Yeah, we see the end of an empire. Basically, that would be ours.

Monday, April 8, 2013

win seven

I did like win seven. Like it was a stable os. Fast forward a few year. Here we are in 2013 and micro soft want to sell us a new one. Well, windows 8 is a worse os. Getting the job does is not easier. Oh no, it is much harder for us. Vista was better than this poor program. Sadly, micro soft seems to not care any more. Please bring back win seven. Also, if you do release a new os. Maybe you can put the start button back in.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

copper wire

HDR uses copper wire. This is expensive. Spool for 1000 feet is going up. Coils cost more money. Well, that is to be expected as inflation ramps up. Steven Gibbs told me that an HDR uses over 200 feet of 21 gauge copper wire.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

BEK look

Look at venus. She is trying to appear as a DEAD DOLL now. This is the um BEK look mon. Yeah, it is a bit scary. Perhaps, um Halloween came a bit early this year. Yeah, before spring even.

Friday, April 5, 2013

North Korea issues a warning

North Korea issues a warning. Things are warming up. Perhaps we can see a war. Oh yes, trouble is brewing my fine ones. Kim is threatening forces in america.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Action channel

Action channel on you tube is on. Take a look and tell me... Do you like what you see. Please post your answer.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Oh wow, future is not the same as now. It is so scary. People think that is similar, but they are wrong. Hard to explain we guess. Maybe it is best to call it an unknown country that exists far away. Yeah, an old nag thinks that some make up can make her look young again. Well, she can fool no one. Things are what they are.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

no jobs for grads

Law students see no jobs for grads now. OK so those look for jobs are many. Few are seeing any success. Positions are few in our on going recession. Oh yes, politicians say we are in a recovery. Well, we do not see one.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Chrysler sales up

Chrysler sales up 5% now. Glad things for them are improving. Wish it were the same for all of us. Sadly, we are in a vortex of panic. World situation is getting max worse. Let us hope that things get better real soon.