Thursday, February 28, 2013

20s jazz age

Friends, our american society did enjoy massive prosperity during the roaring 20s jazz age. Yeah, our economy was soaring. Boom time brought a lot of money. Then came the great depression of the 30s a true dark age. People did not have enough money to keep the lights on. Starvation hit the streets of america. Citizens were caught in its cold icy grip

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Where are we going

Question for you. Where are we going. Yeah, that is what it is. Sadly, we got like no answer - as in zero.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alternate Time Lines

Alternate Time Lines are not the same. Well, they might appear similar to us. Hey, you know what they say on appearances. Deceiving they are. Truth words, but how do we know that we are in one. Basically, it is not like you see robots walking down the street or flying cars in our air. Subtle is the key and in so many ways. Frankly an alternate time line might wiz past you. Yeah, and you do not even notice unless you open your eyes.

Source: via Anela on Pinterest

Monday, February 25, 2013

UK more austerity

Union JackUK more austerity hits hard poor. There are no jobs opening. Also, people are seeing a decrease in gross. It is affecting many sectors now. Problems are growing in europe. Workers face higher taxes and lower wages. Expect unrest to increase.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

euro zone in recession

Fellows, we see euro zone in recession. It might stay in there for another year. Hey, that is what economists say. Basically, recovery is zero. That should indeed surprise no one. Still, all that talk on an economic recovery. Let us say... we no so sure.

Friday, February 22, 2013

grand theft apple

Friends, it is grand theft apple going one. Hand held consoles are now slowly losing the war. Just ask our cousin sony. Oh wow, apple is taking over. There are many new ios games. Yeah, like those are max pop. People cannot get enough of the small size screen.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

NK celebrates

NK celebrates becoming a nuclear power. They see america in flames soon. Folks, that is a future that is very grim. Let us face facts as we do not a bright road ahead see. Sanctions do not work and they are not helping us. Red China has missile pointing at america. They support North Korea and 90% of the product in Wall mart say - MADE IN CHINA, please do wake up.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

new cosmos

Friends, we live in an inherently unstable cosmos. That is the latest word from science magazines. Certainly we always knew this one. At some level we do not feel so safe or secure. Like we might wish to live in a new cosmos. Frankly, one that is not full of constant worry. Mostly because things break in this one. People live lives filled with fear and panic. Yeah, we wish it were not so.

Monday, February 18, 2013

plastic or paper

OK say good bye to paper money. Right now it is plastic or paper. Hey, it is easier to tell if it is genuine. People need to understand what is going on. Look at the new score. Maybe we need to know what is going on. Folks, this is the end of an era. Yeah, that of paper currency.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Holocaust museum

I went to the Jewish holocaust museum. Truly, it was a sad experience. Liberals claim that the holocaust never was. However, millions died in terrible conditions years ago. Most liberals are liars and they say that Hitler was a right winger. He was the leader of the national socialist workers party and hated jews. Well, he and liberals have a lot in common.

Friday, February 15, 2013

new baby

Hey, people love new baby aroma. Perhaps we like new car. That is really amazing. What will we discovery next year.

Rooftop - Liz Grant, New Baby Smell
Get More: Rooftop - Liz Grant, New Baby Smell

Thursday, February 14, 2013

HTML jokes

This is a list of HTML joke OK so here are some. Like we hope you can enjoy. They are not lame, but some are so so. Most are not prime time material as we say.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Gold hungry yes

Gold hungry yes. Precious metal price can increase. Forces are going to clash soon. Citizens, we can go for the gold now. Expect higher prices very soon. Dollar printing will fuel inflation and create demand where there is now near none.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

signal crisis

Expect a major signal crisis. Situation is difficult for us. Cellular telephones gobble up spectrum, but there is no more. Sadly, there is no easy way. People might have to pay higher prices. Also, they might see more caps.

Monday, February 11, 2013

BB10 sales poor

BB10 sales poor. There are many reason. People feel that black berry cannot survive. It is too lottle too late for the company. Sadly, they need a stellar app. Well, they do not have one.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

digital price tags

Friends, digital price tags are awesome. Still, we wonder when maybe that can move on. Perhaps they will soon be max pop. Yeah, when inflation kicks in. Digital allows prices to keep on rising. Tags change in real time to keep up. I saw these digital price tags in Argentina years ago.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

android apps

OK so people are now running android apps on PC and mac. This is an unexpected development in programming. Few of us could see that one coming. In fact, I run blue stacks now. Hey, it works OK, but there you go. Demand is increasing in android apps.

Source: via Kayla on Pinterest

Friday, February 8, 2013

EMP weapons

EMP weapons are scary. People need to understand what is going on. Chaotic world is full of scary scenarios. Basically we see EMP as a major worry.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bring back the iron

Bring back the iron. Monopoly is bringing a cat and retiring an iron. OK as tokens go... The iron was a favorite of mine. Right up with the shoe even. Hey, this was a mistake we tell you. Already have the dog, and do like the cat, but the ironing board needs to get token cousin.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

iranian prez

Yo, iranian prez is a SHOE  in. Well, if the shoe fits - wear it. Bush also had some encounters with flying shoes that he did dodge, but what do we say. Perhaps he can join the monkey in space.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

zero hour

Friends, zero hour is a zero. There is no movie magic. Hey, this one is poor. It talks about the end times, but we tell you - this director needs a clue, on creating a movie.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Markets in woe

Stocks got crushed today, but that is no major surprise. People can see no increase in earnings. Basically, we expect things to now worsens. Markets in woe. Hey, that is what we see going on.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

think small

It is time to think small as in very. OK some NYC apartments are very micro. Less than 400 square feet the old minimum. Hey, people are in a major pain. Like everything is so expensive now. Well, these brand new micro units apartments are going up soon.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

recover your files

Deleted file recovery is no easy. Often pieces are missing. OK so here is an awesome program. The name is recuva. It allow you to recover your files you erase. Also, the cost is zero. Well, this is some max news. People use it to get back the files that they accidentally erase. Like wow, in a pinch this can save your um app. LULA/LAPTOP

Friday, February 1, 2013

14,000 you say

14,000 you say. Market is over price. It is ready to fall soon. Question is when, but we do not have an answer. Still, it can happen very soon. Look at earning. Where are they anyway. Problem is low wages. Most people go no more money. In fact, with the new TAX we got even LESS money.