Sunday, March 27, 2022


It is a bad idea to get ethanol from corn. Ethanol can be cheaply produced in many other ways. Getting it from grains... that is most unwise. Actually, we should use our corn for food, not fuel mon. I wish we could have more ethanol-free gasoline as that is better for small engines. For example, the lawnmowers we use.

Thursday, March 24, 2022


 Workers at high technology companies are quitting in droves because they do not wanna return to the office no more. Brothers and sisters, the office is seen... like a relic of an ancient bygone era. Yeah, one that should become extinct soon. Commuting to work is expensive. Just look at the sky-high gas prices.

Cubicle III

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


 Due to a lack of energy... there are some who believe that we should consider employing the horse once more. They use grass... NOT gas. Hey, the future might indeed become a very green power universe.

Trotando… caballos que en el viento… #EXPLORE