Sunday, July 31, 2011

slavery in america

What is the history of slavery in america. That is a touchy subject for many. Basically, the rich want to make a lot of money. Like they came to america. Then stole the land from the existing civilizations and then they were too lazy to do the back breaking work of farming it to produce grain. Therefore they kidnap people to work for free and got to live in giant plantations built from the sweat and suffering of fellow humans - ain't that always the case.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

five trillion coin

Hey, I am not making this up mon. Like we can now solve our DEBT problem with a five trillion coin. Well, we hope no one can steal that one. Truly, he would be be world's first trillionaire, but only for a short period of time until they caught the perp. It would make for an interesting video game. I mean one with a five trillion dollar coin. Folks, we cannot wait to see the first five trillion coin. Hope and change they say. This is change you can put in your pocket even.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

european markets fall

Today european markets fall as people worry. Also, in asia, things are the same. US debt ceiling negotiations are at an impasse. Perhaps, it is a matter we cannot resolve any time soon. Fact is, both sides are not willing to compromise. Well, this makes reaching a solution hard - not easy. Certainly, DC feels like a 3 ring circus. As a result people are losing their confidence in our gov.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Housing prices

Housing prices remain the weakest link in the american economy. Well, this should not be to you a max major surprise. People are not buying homes now. Fact is, they got no money. Also, they fear losing the job the have or having to take a cut in pay. Unemployment is now massive. Hey, we predict that it shall soon get max worse.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hyperinflation coming

Hyperinflation is coming. There is not going to be food in your grocery. People are going to go crazy. Feel that this is going to happen very soon. Hey, we are giving you a warning.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Google+ growing

Folks, Google+ is growing. There are 20 million visitors now. People are flocking to the new service. The numbers are soaring.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

paper era

Friends, our paper era is over. Oh yes, it was a long run for us. Perhaps we did not realize that we live in a world that is not changes in a zoom. I mean, who could have been able to imagine. Tablets are now the main force in our universe. Data is not stored in paper files anymore. It exists as electrons in an information smog.

Friday, July 22, 2011

weiners new car

Hey, I am not talking on congress man weiner. This is the weiner car. It is a big long hot dog on wheels even. Well, this brings back memories. Gotta love weiners new car.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

save on gas

OK so prices are high in summer. Here are ways to save on gas. They are like trying to avoid raods with lots of stop signs. Hitting the brake crushes fuel efficientcy for you. Hey, another tip is to monitor your TIRE pressure. Underinflated tires can cost you a lot of money. Boosting the pressure saves you gas.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Housing sales fall

People a seeing a decreasing in housing sales and first time buyers as our economy sags. This should not come as any max major surprise. Like we have been reading about our economic crisis. Well, it is not going away. Here to stay it seems. Sadly, some skeptics keep on believing in a recovery. Citizens, that would be grand for us. Yeah, we wish there was one. Realistically, it would not be so easy. Banks still are loaded with foreclosures that they are trying to dump on an already weak economy.

Monday, July 18, 2011

coming years

I believe that in we will see many changes in coming years. For example, future robot toys will become common. Fact is, they are not exactly rare now. It shall be more so soon.

People are seeing artificial intelligence go down in price. Computers now have a lot more power.  Also, algorithms are more robust now. Perhaps, it will make robots less expensive. Hopefully, that will soon be the case.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

lower cost printers

Which printers have the lowest cost per page. Well, kodak is the cheapest and HP is the most expensive. Kodak claims to cost only a penny a page. However, my tests show approx two pennies. Also, HP is thirty cents as in 15 times more. That is a lot more than one penny.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

record gold

OK we have yet another record gold high due to european concerns. In fact, gold is on a rocket to the moon. Expect higher prices soon. That is not a good sign. Frankly, we expect that the budget crisis may cause panic.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Time Travel

OK can we prevent an event after it has taken place with an undo button guys. Well, I am not sure in our universe. Maybe we can.

People wonder if there is any photographic evidence for time travel and here is my answer. Faking it would be easy. Like how could we be sure. Perhaps the best would be an old photo in a museum. That would be hard for a skeptic to process.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

economic concerns

Definitely pessimism increases are economic concerns rise. Why is this so? OK so people were promise a recovery. Sadly, there is none. Optimists claim that prosperity is just around a corner. That is not what we see. It is more like we see penury.

Please do take a look at what is going on. Basically, our nation has run out of money. The president is still claiming we are in a recovery. However, we will soon not have enough money to send out social security checks anymore. Oh yes, sorry prez.

According to debunkers everything is fine and I am crazy. Problem is that on cnn 24/7 we hear that we are out of money. Goverment is frantic in its futile attempts to raise revenue. Good luck says me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gold is money

Friends, gold is money. Dr. Ron Paul verus Ben Bernanke are having a discussion on economic. They do not agree is seems. Well, what can we now say. After all, gold is money. In fact, it has been money for thousands of years. Certainly, it is a lot better than paper.

Monday, July 11, 2011

China exports increase

China exports did increase 46% over previous year. Economist say this is evidence of a recovery. However, that is not what we see. States reports a shortfall in revenue. This is due to lower sales this year. Actually, states get most of their money from sales tax, but things are slow this summer. People are seeing big crowds at the dollar store as customers try to save some pennies. Sadly, many workers are reporting cuts in pay. Others say they are working less hours now. Cheap chinese imports are displacing US jobs even more.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

worries grow

Talk is that there is dim hope of a recovery. Basically, worries grow. Well, we should all have some major worry. Mostly, it is about a potential default on our national debt due to running out of money. Hey, I always thought we could print some more. It seems china is grumbling about inflation now.

Frankly, as can be expected, they do not like us to run that printing press. Right now, people's eyes are on our bearded one. Perhaps, he can wave a wand and conjure up some magic. There is no economic recovery. Like what is he gonna say.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hulu will be sold

Hey buddy, hulu will be sold soon. Disney wants to drop streaming movies. I am not sure of the reason. Like is was max pop. Still, they probably are very old school and then some. Had it with these execs. Folks, the 90's are over. Time to step up. The 21st century is about now.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

E-verify versus companies

Friends, there are many business leaders that are oppose. It is e-verify versus companies. This is interesting as many companies hire illegals to cut expenses. Well, they then accuse unemployed americans of racism. Trust me, there are illegals of many nations - many. Citizens, it is a problem far worse than just a few mexicans.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fake Tweets

Fake tweets were detected by fox news. There is an investigation under way. Culprits could be many. Hope they find them soon.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

NBA shuts down

Folks, got some grim news. Yeah, it is for you. NBA shuts down now. Players are fighting owners. It is all out war. There are no winners. Losers are the TV viewers.