Wednesday, February 29, 2012

are you moving

People often ask - are you moving. Well, that is an interesting question and we do not have an answer. Have heard of a moving truck pulling up. Then it moves a house of all its furniture, but the people were not moving. Strange stuff to be sure.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Here is zynga. Farmville is losing money. This is so scary. Crushing blow on new companies. Brazen is me. Still, I like firms that make some money.

Monday, February 27, 2012

535 gang

What about our 535 gang. They want more wars. Others will not see. Thank you for viewing us.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

ron surge

Oh wow, there is a ron surge. Folks ron can win. Here is a new.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Flickr blocks pins

Flickr blocks pinterest pins now. Yahoo is so lame it belongs in a wheel chair yo. Like this is the latest craze. It is hard to believe Flickr blocks pins. They are block heads any way.

Friday, February 24, 2012

google add do not track

Google add do not track button to chrome now. This is good news. Well, this is on request from our gov. Hope that they have the new download ready for me. It should be plus max. People need more privacy.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

empty mega mansions

Million dollar foreclosures rise. Rich people just walk away. It is a disturbing sign. Things are getting max worse. There are a lot of empty mega mansions. Folks, wish there was nice news. It is getting so very scary.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I like 240V, but most is 120V now. In fact, John Titor says future is 12V in 2036, but wow. That is worse. Still, that is the direction we see.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Boiler room movie

Here is the boiler room movie. Senator please raise my taxes and take all my money. Yeah, give it to the banksters because they need more. Also, there are regulations you need to pass. Oh, we love rules and regs. Please pass a lot of em. That way all our companies will relocate over seas.

Monday, February 20, 2012

micro cars

Ponder on the new micro cars. They claim to be futuristic and full of wow. However, micro cars have been with us many years. Look the micro car below that is from 50's era. It was a time of cheap gas. That said, small has its audience in europe. Perhaps, we should learn some 50's lingo now.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente predicts what is coming up. Get ready for a wild ride my fine ones. It is going to get very scary. Do not start to panic. Stay calm as our social fabric rips. It is gonna be a very long warm summer.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

web war

There is now a web war. Google over takes Yahoo in the display space. Well, yahoo is true, but Google is new. John Titor said Yahoo was not around in 2036 anymore. Yeah, it is like a setting sun. They are done, and so are we.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Oil is rising

Oil is rising. This is due to iran concerns. People fear another war. Well, like it or not, you are gonna get one. USA cannot keep turning a blind eye. Situation will get worse in iran. Expect much higher gas prices.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

College Fun

What did the hippie say. I like to party and have fun all the time even. Oh, college was super. It was best nine years of my life - nine years. Yeah, and about paying back that student loan - banks already have enough money. I am not working for the man.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

save your pennies

Hey folks, most of us know that gov do not use a copper penny. They are mostly zinc now. Well, it is cheaper to use zinc. Hold on to your hat mon. Fact is our government want to substitute iron. Oh yes, you hear me. Steel cents were once common. Yeah, in WWII due to a shortage of copper. Well, I predict we are going in a new war. Believe me, and soon. Please, save your pennies.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

written word

Will the written word disappear soon. That is the question we have for you. Not sure we have an answer. OK some say e-books are better for us. Hey, are you sure. Like how can you give one. Ah, to a stranger we mean. It is turning into one mean cosmos. Still, the written word can help us to live on. Perhaps in a strange digital manner.

Monday, February 13, 2012

american era over

A giant tsunami of massive debt is coming. Folks, will certainly drown us. What about our congress. They keep on raising debt limits, but do not stop spening our money. Hey, there will soon be no more. Like this is coming very soon. Global problems are growing. However, that are about to get a lot worse. Expect shortages of food at your grocery. People will see long lines at the filling station to get gas.

Infrastructure crisis

What we see now is... Mostly an infrastructure crisis. It is hitting home my fine ones. OK so far we see many roads and bridges with no repairs. Falling apart is our america. Yeah, what is the reason. It is lack of revenue. Fixing things up costs a lot of money. Sadly, sales tax is not earning a lot now because people do not go out and buy products and services. Hey, on a lighter not check out Kuiella Taldama. All the best to you.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Andrew Basiago

Andrew Basiago worked on project pegasus. He claims that um time travel was his main purpose. Well, were is the evidence says me. Wish he had some. Time travel you say. Andrew Basiago speak on AIDS and many issues. It is all a major wow.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Debt ceiling increase

Senate did pass a debt ceiling increase. What is wrong with our congress. Folks, we have no money. This is so crazy. Oh, one day we will have to pay. Mostly, they think that day is far away. WEll, they are wrong. It is right here right now.

Friday, February 10, 2012

cage is a vampire

There are are some rumors. Yeah, that nic cage is a vampire. A time travelling one even. This is very creepy. Well, then again, that is what he is. OK so far cage denies the rumor. However, it has legs and has become an internet meme.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

copper wire

Steven Gibbs uses in new HDR approx 200' of copper wire. Basically he says aluminum wire is less expensive. However, it does not produce as good a harmonics and resonance. Also aluminum has more resistance so it quickly warms up. This is why he uses copper.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

our moon

China publishes a hi res map of our moon. Would like to see the hi res map. It would make for some excellent viewing. Oh well, here we go. Times are tough as we say. Still, there are some anomalies on our moon.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

caduceus coil

I am interested in learning more. For example on a caduceus coil scalar wave. This is important to me. What exactly is a caduceus coil anyway. How does a bifiliar winding produce scalar waves. This is important in astral travel and remote viewing.

Monday, February 6, 2012

american song

superpatriotic songs are sung. Politicians hug babies and kiss their mommas. Still, what does america mean. Hey, we need more than a new american song.

Hey, peace out. ☮

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Star Wars 3D

Folks, we all want to see Star Wars 3D with mannequin sky walker - yes mannequin. Hey, now this is pod racing. What a $#1+ movie. Please george lucas, put in some more jar jar.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

santorum wins missouri

There is some exciting news. For a while people wondered who could stop romney. Hey, that get had big bux and maga campaign money. Oh, have no fear my fine ones. Well, santorum wins missouri primary. He is also leading in minn. This is gonna be an awesome race.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Leon Panetta says is real may strike iran in spring. Oh wow, this is scary. Like we guess Halloween came a bit early this new year. 2012 is a scary one. Folks, this mean war. Hope that cool heads will prevail, but not very sure. God help us all - peace.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trade Volume Craters

Extraordinary policy on money. Yeah as our trade volume crates just now. What is going on... Try to ask congress. They say that everything is fine and we are crazy. According to them we are in a major expansion. Like opur recession is now over. Folks, they keep saying we are in a recovery. Oh really, funny how there are no jobs in our paper.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hey, we like what is so raw. Finished stuff we cannot so desire or even require...