Thursday, March 31, 2011

Radiation Robots

US is sending in radiation robots to help the fukushima nuclear power plant in japan. This could get interesting for me. Robots are a great idea to prevent people from getting radiation exposure. Perhaps they can fix the problem for us. Who will fix these radioactive robots later on? This sound like a job for CarlosX robot repairman.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Radiation levels soar

A plume of black smoke rises. The radioactive rods are burning now. Horrible is how I can describe what is going on. now. I can describe what is going on. Radiation levels are soaring near sea. People, this is very serious. Right now there is a plutonium seepage. Containment vessels did crack during the earthquake and radioactive material is escaping.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Libyan rescue?

Folks, our prez says we cannot stand idly by on Libya and I do agree. However, wars cost money. That is some things that we have little of now. It is as they say a very precious resource. Well, we still have some power. Might as well put it to good use.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Leaking reactor core

We are seeing a deterioration of a very dire situation right now. Every day the plot to this story worsens. There is leaking of nuclear reactor core. People need to be evacuated from the affected areas. OK so far only those with in 20 miles have move away. However, radiation is detected far outside this radius now. In fact, radiation is now in our ocean.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

economy in crisis

What do I see now. Mostly it is rampant consumerism. Materialistic society has let us a world full of pollution and crime. There is a very poor economy. In fact, it is in ruins. Basically, this is because we are told outsourcing is good for us. However, there are a lot less jobs now. Factories are shut down and move overseas. There is only one industry growing now. Well, it is health care.

Steven Gibbs told me about the Patricia Ress illness now. Hard for people to make money. They are sick more and  more. Costs of being sick keeps going up. Perhaps this is a wake up.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Apple surpass IBM

Unbelievable, and yet it is so. Apple will surpass IBM soon. They say in two years. Perhaps, just one. It keep on growing. Fact is, it may also surpass HP soon. Yeah, I did say surpass. This was one of the HDRKID predictions.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fukushima workers in hospital

Today two Fukushima workers are in a hospital due to radiation poisoning. Folks, this is very grim news. We expected it to happen, but not so soon. A total tragedy this is. Hope they get better soon.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chris Brown has anger issues

Time out for you. Robin Roberts asked Chris Brown if the questions were OK before he went on gma. All the question were approve. OK so what went wrong. Well, this my opinion. Chris Brown may have a few loose wire. He blew a fuse it seems. Talk about having some anger issues.

Monday, March 21, 2011

e-book sales up

Friends, e-book sales have risen 115% and continue to go up. This could be the death of hard cover. Hey, even of all paper. That said, I see this making books more affordable for all of us. Hopefully they will come down in prices.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Radiation reaches US

This report is just in. Radiation now reaches america. Folks, we are not immune. What happens in japan affects all of us. Hear me out on this one. People need to get iodine tablets now. Sadly, things in japan are getting serious. It can take cancer twenty years to appear. However, the biggest problem in Chernobyl was elevated rates of thyroid cancer.

Friday, March 18, 2011

stop crippleware

Where are asking all the programmers. Buddy, please no more crippleware for us. Like we are tired of the nagware. It does nothing except ask for my money. Those constant little pop ups. It is so very annoying. Always begging us to upgrade to the pro version. Hey, one even says - please help starving programmers. Really, it that how it is. Please, no more crippleware programs.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


It is well to remember that civilizations can crumble away. They fade into the mists of memory. However, there shall arise new ones. From the ashes of the old empire. Yeah, a new one can arise.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

double terminated quartz crystal

Folks, things are interesting to me. For example, why does an HDR use crystals to increase power. This is a double terminated quartz crystal that we use. Perhaps we will find out the answer. Yeah, some day very soon. Until then the experiments continue as we strive to understand the world around us.

Double terminated quartz crystals or DTs for short are important in my experience. They appear to be able to focus energy.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

World Strongest Magnet

Making world's strongest magnet is not easy. OK for one thing they use rare earth with are becoming more rare. There are in china some mine. However, they are running out of resources. People need to find a substiture fast for the neos. That is what we call these magnets that are amazing.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

gas price going up

Citizens it seems every day gas prices are going up. Not sure why this is so. Peak oil might be our reason. OK, there we go. Still, we hate to see soaring energy prices.

japan emergency

Hypercatastrophic disaster does not even begin to describe what is going on. Sadly, an atomic power plant is leaking radiation now. People have been evacuated to a safe area. Latest report is that an explosion has occur.

Radiation levels are 1,000 times normal in the nuclear reactor control room. However, according to debunkers, everything is fine and I am a nut case.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Saudi unrest

Saudi police open fire on protesters now. Yesterday this sent oil soaring. Also, the market was down 200 points on poor economic news. QE3 is suppose to help us. Hey, I certainly hope so. It seems like the giant middle east fire is growing. People are starting to worry. Will there be a fuel shortage soon? Four dollar a gallon is not far away. It was three just a few days ago.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

wisconsin gop

Citizens, history is being written now. Basically, the wisconsin gop passes a bill stripping rights away in unions. They claim this is a necessary process. Also, that the state has no money. It is truly a sad day for us in america. Gov Walker was truly under a lot of pressure. Certainly from those who have a lot of power. He is like a puppet of the money men. Friends, we are entering a period that is very grim.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What is going on

People ask me. What is going on? Few want to hear the answer. Take a look around you. What exactly do you see? Hey, is it an economic recovery. Sadly, I can tell you that is NOT what I see. For example, china is suppose to be this booming giant that is taking over. Well, Best Buy in February said it would shut down all nine Best Buy stores in  red china - yes all nine. That does not sound to me like success. Please do not get me wrong. Fact is, there are in china a hand full of very rich execs. However, most people are very poor. That will soon be the case here in america.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

zero pop grow

Actually, zero population growth is the name. People push the idea that less population is good for us.  Right now japan struggles with a decreasing tax base because its workers are dying off now.Well, you see japan ages  super zap. Yeah more quickly than many other nations on average. This is due to negative population growth, as in less people are born than are passing away. Well, you have empty schools and nurseries. Sadly, this is what that means. They have a smaller population each year. For the government less people working means less revenue.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

grains are growing

There is a lot of grain growing. However, much is used to create fuel for cars. Right now ethanol production eats up 40% of our corn crop. Folks, that is a big boat load of corn. This is a tragedy for us. Sadly, the number of people starving are many. Hey, we need to end corn 4 cars. Already as a result there are higher food prices. People are forced to pay more. The next step is empty shelves in our grocery.

Friday, March 4, 2011

$4 gas is near

Folks, we see a future that is very grim. Let us face facts as $4 gas is near. This means less jobs soon. People will spend less and save more. Malls will be hit hard as people shop over the internet to save money. Hopefully, people will wake up. Right now we have soaring energy prices. This cause food to go up. It will affect the price of milk and eggs. The future price of eggs will rise.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

ipad 2.0

People are ditching the old ipad for the new one. That said, how good is the ipad 2.0 anyway. Well, new ipad has a bad camera. It is less than one megapixel even. Hey, talk about retro to the max. Like that reminds me of the 90's even. What we need is a 16 mp camera. Jobs, get with the program.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

time travel movies

There are many 50's time travel movies. Back to the Future is a favorite of mine. I like many. However, most lack the 50's feel that should be common. It is more than period clothes and slang that is proper for that era. Sadly, many time travel movies contain items that are not proper. For example, items that we had to wait until the 60's for them to appear. Also, the hair styles are wrong. Peggy Sue Got Married is probably the closest movie. We just love peggy.