Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Ah yes, going to the office is a pain. Traffic is terrible and gas is expensive. I can still remember when it was less than two dollars a gallon back in 2020 - wow. Like that was just only a few years ago. Basically, massive hyperinflation has taken over. Oh wow, like we did say massive.


Thursday, June 27, 2024


OK, so women do need less exercise than men. Like wow, I was always told that everybody is the same. Yeah, we guess that is not our case. Please do wake me up when this terrible nightmare we are living in is over.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

flip phones

 Folks, here is the news. Oh yes, flip phones are back once more. Yeah, the more things do change, the more they remain same. People are tired of waiting away hours of their short lives looking at a tiny micro screen

Friday, June 21, 2024


 They tell us that teens do spend too much time looking at tiny screens. Hey, we do need to get out some more. Also, we need to do more exercise. Actually, there is plenty of fun stuff we can do outside like hiking or riding a bike in dry warm areas. OK, so that is my own opinion. Please do tell me yours.

iPhone 12 mini

Monday, June 17, 2024


It is not easy being an exec now. Most people work remotely and the meetings are over zoom. Oh yes, they do not come into the office no more.  Those old days are over. Instead, we are seeing a new view.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

world emoji day

 OK, so world emoji days is now - wow. Please do
give me a smile that goes from ear to ear. Ah yes, that would be supermax. Still, we do not use as many any more. That is because it makes us look low rent and then some more.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 OK, so the tragic kingdom is one of the most unhappiest places on earth as we can now see. Yeah, we do not like the house of mouse. Basically, it is another Florida tourist trap designed to get your hard-earned money. It is not just super expensive. Also, we know that boring is another word we can use.

Friday, June 7, 2024


 Question for you - are animals conscious. Question for you - are animals conscious. OK, so we are not so sure. Probably, the correct answer is no. Hey, we could be wrong once more. Time will tell as we see.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

master weaver

 God is a master weaver. He certainly is so much wiser than us. Often, we do not know where we are going. Yeah, the road ahead is not clear to us. I ask that He guide us.