Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Virtual reality or VR could be main stream soon. OK, so that is actually some awesome news. It does have a lot going for it, but we should have faster processors soon. That would get rid of our lag issues.

it is not perception that changes, but reality ...

Monday, July 29, 2024

home prices

Oh wow, home prices are way up. Inflation is on a roar. Basically, we are slowly becoming poorer every year. Please tell me that I am wrong once more.

Sunday, July 28, 2024


 OK, so astronauts are stranded in outer space now. This is so serious. Don't know what we can do to bring them home soon. Let us pray. God, please help us.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

wind farms

 The UK pushes offshore wind farms - wow. I am not so sure. After all, the wind is an intermittent energy source. Hey, it is here today, and tomorrow it is gone. I don't believe that we can depend on it to be there when it is necessary.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


A lot of text messages use emoji now. This should surprise no one. Hey, we need to find a new way to communicate text messages. Well, that is certainly my very own opinion. Please do tell me what yours is.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

micro soft

 Oh wow, micro soft wanna take back from the rotten apple the market cap crown. This should indeed be one interesting year. Definitely, time will tell as we see. I believe that apple is truly rotten to the very core.

Google photo AI

Google photo AI is available for every one. Folks, this is awesome news. After all, we do need to stay up to speed with the latest mind blowing technological breakthroughs are they can occur soon. It is an amazing new universe we are in.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


 Yo, inflation drives grocery prices up. Kroger has a lot of ads on TV now. These cost them a pretty penny as we see. Hey, stop advertising our food, as we do need to eat no matter what else is going on. 


Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 I love mountains as they are so serene. Yeah, a feeling of peace comes over us. Basically, we love nature and the one who created it for us. Jesus Christ is his name.

To reflect or not to reflect, that's no question!

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Digg went from hero to zero.  It used to be max pop years ago. Well, that most certainly is no longer our case. Hey, old websites fall and new ones rise.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

electronic gadgets

 Oh wow, electronic gadgets are getting weird now. There is a lot going on. Freanly, we do feel that we are entering a new awesome era. Ah yes, technological breakthroughs could become more common. Like that is what we see.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Sunday, July 7, 2024

city hall

 They say you cannot fight city hall, but I am actually not so sure. Certainly, we are often forced into situations that are not so nice. Well, that is my very own opinion. Please do tell me... like what yours is.

Baltimore City Hall

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Kids need to get out and play some more. Yeah, it is really important to get some exercise. Parents should limit the amount of time the little ones spend looking at a tiny screen. Technology should be there to help us. Sadly, it often takes over our lives and is a digital dictator that is eerie.


Monday, July 1, 2024

hello kitty

Today I did learn that um  Hello Kitty is not really a cat, but instead a little girl or young woman. Oh wow, that is creepy to the max. Hard to believe that this is so. Maybe, I am dreaming now... like I do need to wake up soon.

Hello Kitty Mech